Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts' Club
Welcome to the Silver Ghost Register
for all enthusiastic Members of the RREC
The Silver Ghost Register is made up of enthusiastic members within the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts' Club. You don't have to be a 'current' owner of a Silver Ghost, your interest and enthusiasm for the 'best car in the world' is more than sufficient to guarantee you will be in like minded company. We organise tours and events throughout the year and run technical training courses.
Allan Glew (Silver Ghost Registrar)
M: 07768 770552
H: 01451 810764
If you are new to the RREC and wish to become a member then please visit the RREC website and join us, then... simply contact the staff at The Hunt House and asked to be included within our Register.
The International Club for Rolls-Royce and Bentley Enthusiasts (RREC).
How to Join
Please visit https://www.rrec.org.uk and complete the on line application,
alternatively contact club HQ on +44(0) 1327 811788
Opinions expressed on this website may not be construed as being necessarily those of the Silver Ghost Register or the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts' Club Limited. While the Silver Ghost Register, its editors and contributors always aim to produce accurate and up to date information, they will not be held responsible for any loss caused by acting on such information. Technical articles may reflect the author's or individual member's views or experiences and, unless otherwise stated, do not constitute formal Register or Club recommendations. Independent professional advice should always be sought.
All Rights Reserved
www.rrec.org.uk and www.silverghostregister.co.uk