Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts' Club
Classic Travelling Service Level Agreement
of the
Classic Travelling Limited (CTL) is an ABTOT Bonded Tour Operator offering organised motoring holiday driving tours for owners of classic, vintage and sports cars.
The Silver Ghost Register (SGR) is a register of Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts Club (RREC) members who own Silver Ghost motorcars.
The Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts Club Limited (RREC) is the International Club for Rolls-Royce and Bentley Enthusiasts.
With reference to Tours organised by CTL for and on behalf of individual SGR Members.
On behalf of SGR Members the appointed SGR Registrar will from time to time provide CTL with proposals for locations and routes for tours and events.
CTL will arrange for the reservation and booking of hotels and the production of a route plan for the tour or event.
CTL will include advice and guidance regarding the legal requirements for the performance of the tour or event in relation to UK and EU Regulation.
As and when requested CTL will arrange vehicle transportation services to and from an event or tour.
CTL will provide a detailed a route book however it is understood that the SGR does not include routes to be reconnoitred in advance therefore CTL make no guarantee of the total accuracy of any route book.
CTL will use its best endeavours to negotiate and determine the Total Cost of tours and events at the best price possible.
CTL will then add their Arrangement Fee of twenty percent (20%) which will be included within the Final Cost charged to SGR Members.
The Cost of the tour will include tour route book production and postage, accommodation, food, wine, credit card fees, foreign hotel bank transfer charges, exchange rate fees and when and where applicable; rally plates, ferries, visit entry fees, subject to relevant UK and EU Government Taxes.
CTL will confirm the Final Cost of the tour or event to the SGR including the minimum and maximum numbers of SGR Members that can be accommodated.
SGR will advertise and market the details of such events and tours to the SGR Members.
CTL will produce tour details and booking forms and make them available to SGR Members on their website at www.classictravelling.com
Members of the SGR will be invited to contract directly with CTL on a first come priority basis.
To confirm a booking individual SGR Members will be required to make an Initial Deposit payment of Five Hundred Pounds (£250) to CTL.
In order to meet the terms agreed by CTL with its contracted suppliers, tours and events of less than 8 nights duration will require a payment equalling Twenty Five Percent (25%) of the Final Cost at time and date determined by CTL.
In order to meet the terms agreed by CTL with its contracted suppliers for tours and events of 8 or more nights duration a payment equalling Fifty Percent (50%) of the Final Cost will be required at time and date determined by CTL.
Thereafter at a time and date as required by CTL the final balance payment will become due.
Subject to clause 8 all payments made will be on a non-refundable basis.
Providing a tour or event is over-subscribed and a waiting list is in operation, and where a SGR Member wishes to cancel and another SGR Member is willing to pay the full cost and take the SGR Member’s place, CTL will provide a full refund to the cancelling Member subject to CTL charging both parties their Administration Fee of Fifty Pounds (£50).
CTL give preference to the terms of this agreement reference to CTL standard terms and conditions and privacy policy.
CTL can cancel any tour or event if by the Initial Deposit date, the minimum number of SGR Members has not been reached, by returning to each SGR Member the Five Hundred Pounds (£500) initial payment less the Administration Fee of Fifty Pounds (£50). This agreement can be terminated by either party giving 30 day’s notice after the performance of any tour or event by CTL.
Sarah Dowding 11th December 2021
Signed……………………………..……….. Dated………………………
(On behalf of Classic Travelling Ltd)
Andrew Whittaker 13th December 2021
Signed……………………………..……….. Dated………………………
(On behalf of the Silver Ghost Register)